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End of Life Care

Throughout your pet’s life, your veterinarian has been a key partner with you in ensuring their well-being. As the end of life approaches, this relationship becomes especially poignant. Your veterinarian is dedicated to helping them live as comfortably as possible for as long as possible. In time, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain their comfort and the question of ‘when is it time’ arises. Your veterinarian can help you by providing objective measures of your pet’s physical condition and how it may affect their quality of life. Ultimately, however, you are the best judge of the quality of your pet’s daily life and the decision to euthanize rests with you. It is important for you to recognize that euthanasia provides a peaceful and painless release from their suffering – it is the kindest, most humane, and most loving thing you can give your beloved pet.

If your pet has a good appetite, responds to attention, seeks your company, and participates in play or family life, depending on other health issues, this may not be the time. However, if your pet is in constant pain, undergoing difficult and stressful treatments that aren’t helping greatly, unresponsive to affection, unaware of its surroundings, and uninterested in life, the time is near to say goodbye.

When the time has come and the decision to euthanize has been made, we will do our best to accommodate the best day and time for you and your family. You and other family members may choose to be present or not. We can offer euthanasia in the family home if you wish. We will also discuss and arrange the after-care of your pet’s remains, including cremation and other options.

Pets give us so much and ask for so little in return. As doctors and veterinary staff, we too have pets we love dearly, and we too have lost pets. We understand the terrible loss when our clients are faced with the decision to euthanize a pet or when a pet suddenly dies. Everyone deals with this in a different way. We aim to be there to support you during this time. We promise to treat you and your pet with the utmost care, dignity, compassion and respect.